Liane Krochmal - Online Memorial Website

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Liane Krochmal
Född i Austria
6 years
Rest in peace little one
to: Liane Krochmal
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Liliane Krochman was born in Austria in 1937. She and her sister Renate lived in a orpanage in Izieu, France. On April 5, 1944 they were arrested by one of the Klaus Barbie and deported to Auschwitz Death Camp then sadly murdered on April 15, 1944. Liane was 6 years old. Her sister Renate was 8. Her brother Siegfried was shot two years prior at age 11 for trying to cross the Swiss border.

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Liliane Krochmal who was born in France on July 25, 1937 and passed away on April 15, 1944. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

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